كتب تقوية الذات و الشخصية

by DjoAppsNet

Books & Reference


The application of “Self-Strengthening and Personality Books and Building Self-Confidence Without the Net” is an application that helps in knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your personality, developing awareness, talent and capabilities, acquiring new skills or changing old bad habits and replacing them with new ones that are more beneficial. Here, they appear The importance of reading self- and personality-strengthening books, as it helps you to make these changes in your daily life, facilitates job opportunities, improves life, and contributes to understanding dreams and ambitions.This is a list of books included in the application:* You are an amazing force - Jen Sincero* How to Hold the Power - Robert Greene* The 50 Most Important Books in Psychology - Tom Butler Bowdon* Whos pulling your strings - Harriet BrickerThe Five Second Rule - Mel RobbinsOne Minute Manager - Spencer JohnsonObstacles to success - Ryan Holiday* Succeed for Yourself - Richard Denny* Draw your own future - Brian TracyDecisions that change your life - Hal Urban* Atomic Habits - James ClearKeys to unlocking your potential - James Jensen* Miracle Morning - Hal ElrodThe Laws of Sustainable Success - Ryoho Okawa.Dear reader, welcome, and we wish you an enjoyable reading.